Hi great to see this websight, well doen all, my question is what now whats hapwning with the campaign to give us adoptees the same rights as every other irish citizen.would love to here from you, look me up on facebook .
Site map
Campaigning .
31/08/2013 02:57
News papers .
31/08/2013 02:56
31/08/2013 02:54
Sean Ross Abbey
04/08/2013 22:39Legal Analysis
04/08/2013 22:29
Finding Family's
04/08/2013 22:27
04/08/2013 22:25
04/08/2013 22:22
1938 "Legal Adoption would confer little advantage on a child who was adopted by desirable people except the slight one that in the matter of death duties the child would be in the same position as lineal issue. Legalised adoption might, on the other hand, be a serious disadvantage to a child in...
Children s rights
21/09/2012 12:37
Thought: Is the new Amendment contradictory?
It's supposed to be about the best interests of the child or so it says. So will the courts have to take into account the fact that adoption takes away a childs civil rights for life? In other words, do the rights of potencial parents to adopt,...
Children s Rights
19/09/2012 19:44
50,000 adult adoptees in Ireland yet FG want to bring more children into that category,
A category that will exclude them from the Freedom of Information act.
Deny them the right to their identity and birth certificates,
Deny them the right to medical histories.
Until Legislation...
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